TODO: documentation: - add a UPGRADE section - write sample to read and parse the "status.txt" file, use as a sample ghettovcb: - add an option to cleanup remote vmware directory to avoid reusing old specific VM configuration file 2013-04-11 1.0.4 all: - bug: mail=fail was generating a traceback 2013-03-06 1.0.3 all: - fix a bug that was added for debugging purpose in MyFormatter I had wrongly disabled the line: t=t.encode(self.encoding, 'replace') ghettovcb: - support version 2013_01_11_0 of the script 2013-01-24 1.0.2 wbadmin: - support for Windows 2012, HRESULT is 0x0 instead of 0 install: - can install ghettovcb from .zip or .tgz archive and find file in any subfolder 2013-01-07 1.0.1 ntbackup: - when "TAPE://TAPE NAME" is use for the target, /um must be added at the END of the command line (not in the middle) 2013-01-04 1.0.0 all: - no bugs for long time, released as 1.0 ghettovcb: - include support for VMware ESX(i) 5.1 2012-01-16 0.9.39b4 all: - added command line option -s and --statusdir to generate "status" file per job to allow better integration with user scripts. ghettovcb: - ghettovcb-2011_11_19_1 is now accepted - added 'identity_file' option for public key authentication 2011-11-15 0.9.39b3 ghettovcb: - scp upload don't copy the same file twice or more - order the files by date before to upload to reduce download failure and retry 2011-11-15 0.9.39b2 all: - option mail=fail should work now (used 'failed' instead of 'fail') ntbackup: - decode INSTEAD of encode, the path of the ntbackup log file 'logfile' in the status file 2011-10-24 0.9.39b1 all: - added a Message-Id to the emails - bug: 'errmsg' lately initilialized in sendmail(), for MagiKmon - added option mail=fail, to send mail only when backup fail ntbackup - better error message when non ANSI chars from the .ini file are used in the "ntbackup.exe" command line - encode the path of the ntbackup log file 'logfile' in the status file - added limited support for tape backup using destination target: TAPE://TAPE_NAME when "TAPE://" is used, "/um" is added to the ntbackup command line wbadmin - bug: now handle volumeid ( \\?\Volume{3a453567-........} ) - better error message when non ANSI chars from the .ini file are used in the "wbadmin.exe" command line 2011-08-24 0.9.38 all: - swap SMTP and HTTP order when sending mail report. - To avoid to receive the same report twice when mixing SMTP and HTTP (magikmon/sendbackup), remove any recipients that match the HTTP address. Remove it only if HTTP request has succeeded. 2011-08-05 0.9.37 all: - attache file even if file is empty - substitute attachment too big, by error message included in attachment ending by "-error.txt" ghettoVCB: - BUG: ftp/ssh upload/download is starting too early, wait for "finished" before to report the error and retry one last time after end - built-in ftp server was not handling spaces in directories and filenames 2011-08-04 0.9.36 Wrong release 2011-04-20 0.9.34 ghettoVCB: - ftp/ssh upload/download was not handling well non "2gsparse" archive 2011-04-18 0.9.32 ghettoVCB: - completely rewrite of the ftp/ssh upload/download process to handle 2gsparse file and disk on multiple datastore. - handle COMPRESSED ghettoVCB backup - ftp upload generate the download script and attach it to the email - added support for list and mkdir in built-in ftp server - escape spaces in path name used with scp 2011-04-14 0.9.31 all: - added ftp command to run built-in ftp server standalone ghettoVCB: - bug in ftp upload, src and dest in the ftpput command line must be under "" - don't upload VMware lock file .lck-xxxxxxxxxx. wbadmin: - correct bug in error handler for systemstate backup 2011-03-23 0.9.30 all: - -i switch works on both Linux and Windows hosts to install sample.ini as default mksbackup.ini, create default task in Cron or Task scheduler - now, "-i" switch can download and install ghettoVCB script in vmware sub directory - was using un-existing function ErrorDecoding instead of ErrorDecode - don't not "string_log.close()" anymore to avoid error messages at end ghettoVCB: - support for ftp upload - parameter "ftp_local" can be used to start built-in ftp server - scp copy and ftp upload start after first disk backup and run at the same time as ghettoVCB - support for new ghettoVCB >= 2001-03-14 tar: - support for differential and incremental backup esxmon: - skip unknown buggy instance 2011-02-28 0.9.22 all: - Windows "install" become "modify" if already installed - check last version POST -> GET - added logging.txt in mail_exception() ( traceback.txt ) - added status.txt when an error on one parameter is detected during the load() esxmon: - include pywbem library to reduce dependencies 2011-02-24 0.9.21 all: - The release on PyPi was a failure because the binary was used by pip and easy_install as a source file. - cosmetic changes 2011-02-22 0.9.20 all: - renamed to mksbackup - removed all references to old name mkbackup - mksbackup was returning an exit code=1 for success instead of 0 - Uploaded on PyPI - New release easier to install using easy_install or pip. - release as a runnable .egg file ghettoVCB: - wrong start time when using scp (move, copy) - support for not yet released ghettoVCB - better support for ENABLE_NON_PERSISTENT_NFS=1, will be able to do a listing of backup directories before the NFS share is unmounted esxmon: - "property_exclude" can exclude fully qualified properties - more explicit about the class, instance an property generating errors wbadmin: - added support for -vsscopy 2010-11-19 0.9.12 ghettoVCB: - display the version of the ghettoVCB script in the log - problem using cipher blowfish with ESXi 3.5 ! wbadmin - include wbadmin output in the log in debug mode or in case of error ntbackup - include ntbackup log in the log in debug mode or in case of error 2010-11-10 0.9.11 esxmon: - bugfix about status change detection 2010-11-10 0.9.10 esxmon: - added 'never' to email_when - log output into logfile at DEB level - changed urlopen timeout to support python 2.4 - bugfix when email_when= 2010-11-04 0.9.9 all: - support for new option magikmon, allowing to send report via HTTP to magikmon monitoring service - attachment_size default set to 1Mo, max=10Mo aka 10240 (value is in Ko) - attachment_gzip default set to 100K, max=1Mo aka 1024 (value is in Ko) - smtp_login and smtp_password must be encoded because HMAC used in CRAM_MD5 require non unicode string - generate a traceback for unexpected error in "sendmail" - didn't handle well empty attachment - added -q for quiet (no console logging), now verbose is the default - windows binaries are now generated using python 2.6.6 - Under Windows use WindowsErrorDecode and ErrorDecode for other platform to decode local encoded error message - Make logging more robust to unicode error wbadmin: - check if wevtutil output is empty - make error handling more robust, WindowsError can contains char>128 in error message => unicode mismatch in _decode_ from ascii ntbackup: - added the "options" parameter - better handling of error if ntbackup.exe is not found esxmon: (new) - add vmware esx(i) monitoring - handle magikmon guard URL 2010-08-05 0.9.6 all: - environment variables are available from inside the destination syntax 2010-07-28 0.9.5 all: - use distutil for packaging and release - added smtp_mode, smtp_login, smtp_password to allow SMTP SSL, TLS and authentication - The win32 package contains now a single .exe file ghettoVCB: - last bring better support for /tmp/ghettoVCB.lock management 2010-07-22 0.9.4 ghettoVCB: - mkbackup.exe was missing in the windows package 2010-07-22 0.9.3 ghettoVCB: - include ghettoVCB-2010-07-20 - not needed anymore 2010-07-21 0.9.2 all: - logging of any SMTP success and errors ghettoVCB: - send a UNIQUE email per job, not a per VM email - added the "script" option to use a different script - renamed attachments "dir.txt" and "dir-up.txt" into "dir-${VM}.txt" and "dirup-${VM}.txt" - renamed variable in 'status.ini': target -> target-${VM}, scp_cmd -> scp_cmd${VM} and scp_exit_code -> scp_exit_code-${VM} - added 'ls_volumes.txt' attachment - include the custom version of the script tar: - added find_exit_code in status.txt - rename exit_code into tar_exit_code - check the find_exit_code for final status 2010-06-25 0.9.1 ntbackup: - addedd option "snap" to match the "/SNAP" switch 2010-06-25 0.9.0 all: - changed 'subject' in mail exception, 'CONFIG' vs 'BACKUP' in subject - use ascii encoding if sys.stderr.encoding is None ntbackup: - bug about logging in windows.ReadEvLog, added 'log' parameter - better support of "verify" - use CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA to find the NTBackup logdir wbadmin: - now dir_up.txt contains the listing of the parent of the target directory 2010-05-24 0.8.10b ntbackup: - detect 32bit version of mkbackup running on 64bit and display a message about the 64bits trick if ntbackup.exe is not found. wbadmin: - don't check if target exist if no backup today (type=='none') 2010-05-21 0.8.9b all: - limit attachment size to 'attachment_size', if not truncate the file ghettoVCB: - exit_code returned by ssh is always wrong, use the workaround all the time tar: - added 'error_find' parameter wbadmin: - switch back to the full listing in "wbadmin get versions", not only the related "backupTarget" 2010-05-18 0.8.8b ghettoVCB: - ESXi3.5 don't return any exit_code, then use a workaround - Internal logging was raising an exception for multiple VM in vm_list now logging is correctly reopen wbadmin: - create target directory, using credential if required 2010-05-16 0.8.7b ghettoVCB: removed the keepAlive now "destination" can contain ANSI char in windows 2010-05-14 0.8.6b all: bug: exit_code is now 0 when successful remove all passwords from report and log logging now replace char not in charset by a ? better file and attachment encoding (attachment charset) wbadmin: include "wbadmin get versions" in report detect 32bit version of mkbackup running on 64bit and set wbadmin_bin as appropriate ghettovcb: include destination directory listing when destination is set 2010-05-07 0.8.4b wbadmin: wbadmin was not running from inside task scheduler added wbadmin_bin and wevtutil_bin parameter to set full path to binary 2010-05-03 0.8.3b all: support for manager object added logging to mail report ghettovcb: support the -a option via an empty vm_list added vm_exclude when vm_list is empty 2010-04-29 0.8.2b all: added manager object ghettovcb: try to create the target directory before to SCP bug: "local" directory, mix windows and un*x path 2010-04-28 0.8.1b added wbadmin frontend ghettovcb: added destination option, including "copy" and "move" type to copy backup to host 2010-03-30 0.2.1b added tar frontend (beta) added ghettovcb frontend (beta) ntbackup: don't check anymore if the default ntbackup log directory exist 2010-03-17 0.1.7 better command line argument checking better error reporting about missing target directory 2010-02-15 0.1.6 beter diagnostic regarding the EventLog a bug about the verbose mode 2010-01-05 0.1.5 beter unicode support support console and file logging option -l to specify a logfile 2009-12-31 0.1.4 added console and file logging using -l option added 'none' backup type 2009-12-29 0.1.3 first public release